






1.談判之原理原則 (Principles of negotiation)

2.談判所須具備之基本技能 (Skills of effective negotiation)

3.談判之5 大步驟 (5 Stages of negotiation)

4.權力在談判之影響及權力之種類(Power in negotiation)

5.權力之種類 (Types of power)

6.贏得戰役或贏得戰爭? (Winning a battle or a war?)

7.B2B 談判之個案討論 (B2B negotiation case study)

8.談判中應避免之錯誤( Mistakes to avoid in negotiation)

9.如何悍衛你的價格? (How to defence your price?)

10.如何應付對手之恫嚇? (How to handle scare tactics?)

11.如何處理讓步與妥協? (How to manage concession?)

12.如何增進談判技能? (How to improve negotiation skills?)

13.電影精彩談判場景解析 (Negotiation case studies from movies)

14.貿易談判中常見之妥協項目(A list of B2B general concession items)

15.B2B貿易英語談判演練 (Negotiation Practices)


B. 貿易談判英語

1. 如何架構及控制談判會議

(1)How to establish the purpose of a meeting?

(2)How to establish a structure for a meeting?

(3)How to limit the scope of a meeting?

(4)Scenario practice

2. 談判中之”確認”及”澄清”

(1)How to confirm what the other person has said?

(2)How to clarify information?

(3)How to rephrase what the other person has said?

(4)Scenario practice

3. 探討突破將僵局之可能性

(1)How to suggest ideas?

(2)How to attach conditions to suggestions?

(3)How to ask the other side to consider options?

(4)How to indicate areas of agreement?

(5)How to ask for a response to a suggestion?

(6)Scenario practice

4. 如何建立觀點?

(1)How to explain your side’s point of view?

(2)How to ask the other side to understand your viewpoint?

(3)How to find out the other side’s viewpoint?

(4)Scenario practice

5. 如何結束談判會議?

(1)How to end a discussion?

(2)How to give an ultimatum?

(3)How to refuse to make a commitment?

(4)Scenario practice




時數:7 (小時) 時段:(週四)9:00-17:00

地點:台北 | 中華工商研究院 | 台北市中華路一段74號6樓 [看地圖]